It’s almost 10 years of AnKi so I decided to to upload a very old snapshot of the engine I have lying in my hard drive. This early snapshot is a few years before I used any revision control. Browse the code here
Some interesting facts:
- It started as a simple skeletal animation project and grow to what it is now.
- Was featuring a blender 2.4 exporter for meshes, skeletons and skeletal animations.
- It was running on OpenGL 1.1 with immediate mode.
- The code is a weird mixture of (Microsoft-centric) C++ and C.
- It was compiling only in ancient versions of VisualC++. Had to struggle to get it compile with GCC.
- Different code style from what AnKi has now.
- The first name of AnKi was Malice. Kept that name for a few months.